Home > Utagawa Shigemaru
Utagawa Shigemaru
Utagawa Shigemaru
Asakusa from the series Famous Places in Edo (Edo meisho)
Utagawa Shigemaru
Asakusa from the series Famous Places in Edo (Edo meisho)
Utagawa Shigemaru
Below Yatsuyama in Takanawa (Takanawa Yatsuyama shita) from the series Famous Places in Edo (Edo meisho)
Utagawa Shigemaru
Kasumigaseki from the series Famous Places in Edo (Edo meisho)
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Shigemaru Utagawa (Utagawa Shigemaru, birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo period.
Unknown teacher. "Ukiyo-e Remarks" states that "Utagawa Kunimaru's disciple, one theory is that Hiroshige's disciple is not", but "Ukiyo-e Shiden" is Hiroshige's disciple. The drawing period was around Kaei, leaving a landscape painting of Hiroshige style. There are very few works. It is said that the method of signing the "maru" in the seal is similar to that of Kunimaru.