Home > Utagawa Sadayoshi

Utagawa Sadayoshi

Utagawa Sadayoshi (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from Osaka during the Edo period.

He learned painting from Kunisada Utagawa, a master of Kunisada Utagawa. People in Osaka. The popular name is Sadashiro Higoya. Utagawa is named as the painting surname, and is called Sadayoshi, Kabane-tei, Umemadoen, Aoi Seisai, Kokugo-tei, Go-tei, Go-go-tei. He was also called Umemadoen Kotokin as a gesaku artist. Lives in Uchishinsaibashi-dori on Osaka Island. The drawing period was from Tenpo 8 (1837) to Kaei 6 (1853), and he worked on actor pictures, roots, picture book drawings, and surimono.
