Home > Utagawa Sadafusa
Utagawa Sadafusa
Utagawa Sadafusa
The Buddha of Sake Drinking (Sakenomi Nyorai)
Utagawa Sadafusa
Actors in Snow at Shinobazu Pond a Triptych ([illegible] no uchi Shinobazu sanmaitsuzuki): Onoe Kikugoro III Iwai Hanshiro VI Seki Sanjuro II (R); Sawamura Tossho I Iwai Tojaku Ichikawa Yaozo V (C); Bando Mitsugoro IV Ichikawa Danjuro VIII Bando Tamasabur
Utagawa Sadafusa
Musashibo Benkei
Utagawa Sadafusa
Matsuchiyama from the series Five Scenes of the Eastern Capital (Toto gokei no uchi)
Utagawa Sadafusa
Akushichibyoe Kagekiyo
Utagawa Sadafusa
Acrobats Hanatake Seikichi and Hanatake Torakichi from Osaka Performing on the Precincts of the Eko-in in Honjo
Utagawa Sadafusa
Actors Arashi Kamenojo II as Genzos Wife (Nyobo) Tonami (R) Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Matsuomaru (C) and Ichikawa Komazo V as Shunzo Genba (L)
Utagawa Sadafusa
Matano Goro Kagehisa
Utagawa Sadafusa
The Eleven Acts of The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura)
Utagawa Sadafusa
The Eleven Acts of The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers a Primer (Kanadehon Chushingura juichidan tsuzuki)
Utagawa Sadafusa (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo period.
A student of Kunisada Utagawa. The real surname refers to the painting surnames of Osawa and Utagawa, and is called Gokametei, Gokotei, Gokaedei, Okechoro, and Shinsai. At first I lived in Kyobashi, Edo, but later moved to Osaka. The drawing period is from Bunsei to Kaei, and he draws illustrations for gōkan and plays. Utagawa Fusat is one of the students.