Home > Utagawa Kunisato
Utagawa Kunisato
Utagawa Kunisato
Confrontation in the Lodgings at the Foot of Mount Fuji (Fuji no susono kariya taimen): Actors Iwai Kumesaburo III as Kewaizaka no Shosho (R) Kataoka Gado II as Kudo Suketsune (C) and Nakamura Fukusuke I as Goro Tokimune (L)
Utagawa Kunisato
Viewing Cherry Blossoms in the Inner Precincts of the Temple at Asakusa (Asakusa okuyama sakura kenbutsu no zu)
Utagawa Kunisato
In the Year of the Horse at the Hour of the Horse on the 8th Day of the 5th Month People Born in Earth and Water Signs Enter a Lucky Cycle (Uma gogatsu yoka uma no koku dosuisei uke ni iru): Actor Onoe Kikugoro IV (?) in Five Roles That Start with Fu in a
Utagawa Kunisato
Popular Dolls (Ryuko ningyo)
Utagawa Kunisato
A Faithful Depiction of the Grounds of Mount Narita in Shimosa Province with Large Numbers of Visitors from the Various Prayer Groups for the Ceremony Dedicating the Buddha in the Rebuilt Main Hall the Twelfth Day of the Coming Eighth Month (Shimosa no ku
Utagawa Kunisato
On the 8th Day of the 5th Month People Born in Earth Signs Enter a Lucky Cycle (Gogatsu yoka uke ni iru dosei no hito): Fukusuke with Daikoku and Fukurokuju
Utagawa Kunisato
Sanno Festival Procession (Sanno-sama gosairei zu) No. 6
Utagawa Kunisato
Actors Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Takashima Yoneyama Actually (Jitsu wa) Kozo Onoe Kikugoro IV as the Courtesan (Keisei) Matsuyama and an unidentified child actor as the Kamuro Midori
Utagawa Kunisato
Sanno Festival Procession (Sanno-sama gosairei zu) No. 4
Utagawa Kunisato
Sanno Festival Procession (Sanno-sama gosairei zu) No. 2
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Utagawa Kunisato, year of birth unknown-Ansei 5 <1858>) is an ukiyo-e artist in the late Edo period.
The third generation Kunisada Toyokuni's master. The common names are Masajiro and Utagawa, and they are called Tachikawasai, Tachikawasai, Tachikawa, Ichijusai, and Ichiyosai. Born in a confectionery shop in Tategawa, Edo Honjo, he later moved to Owaricho. The drawing period is from Kaei to the 5th year of Ansei, and he draws famous paintings, genre paintings, toy paintings, sumo-e paintings, and illustrations of gōkan.