Home > Utagawa Kuninao

Utagawa Kuninao

Utagawa Kuninao (Kuninao 5th year of Kansei <1793> --June 28th, 7th year of Kaei ) is an ukiyo-e artist in the latter half of the Edo period.

The first student of Toyokuni Utagawa. His real surname is Yoshikawa or Yoshikawa, his first name is Taizo, and later Shirobei. They are called Ichihosai, Ichiyosai, Ukiyoan, Dosuisha, Yanagiro, Gosoen, Sharakuo, Sharakusai, and Shinonometei. Born in Shinano Province, the younger brother of the gesaku artist Sanakatsuki Harutei. The drawing period was from the 9th year of Bunka (1812) to the time of Tenpo. I worked on the illustrations. In addition, I have left a hand-drawn beauty painting. In his later years, he abolished the painting industry. Year 62. The graveyard is Gokurakuji in Oyoko-cho, Hachioji City, and the name of the law is Takabiwa. The students included Ryuko Takesai, Naosada Utagawa, Naofusa Utagawa, and Naoshige Utagawa, who influenced Kuniyoshi Utagawa.
