Home > Tsukioka Settei
Tsukioka Settei
Tsukioka Settei
Moon-viewing from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 2
Tsukioka Settei
Osaka: The Style of Courtesans (Osaka yujo no fu) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
Kyoto: The Customs of Palace Ladies-in-Waiting (Kyo Goshokata jochu no fuzoku) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
Kyoto: The Style of Merchant-class Ladies Maids (Kyo Machikata jochu no fu) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
Osaka: The Customs of Merchant-class Women (Osaka machikata onna no fuzoku) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
Kyoto: The Style of Merchant-class Ladies Maids (Kyo Machikata jochu no fu) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
The Story of Chujo-hime and the Taima Mandala from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 4
Tsukioka Settei
Edo: The Style of Dancers (Edo odoriko no fu) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
Tsukioka Settei
Edo: The Customs of Ladies-in-Waiting in the Mansions of the Daimyo (Edo zashikikata jochu fuzoku) from the book Onna geibun sansai zue vol. 5
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