Home > Toshu Shogetsu
Toshu Shogetsu
Toshu Shogetsu
Illustration of the Diet Building (Kokkai Gijido no zu)
Toshu Shogetsu
Illustration of the Principal Dignitaries of Japan (Nihon chuseki kiken no zu)
Toshu Shogetsu
Travel during the Rule of the Shoguns: Crossing a River (Bakufu dochu kawagoe no zu) from the series A Look at the Old Days in Color Prints (Kanko Azuma nishiki)
Toshu Shogetsu
The Household of the Shogun Visiting the Shrine at Nikko (Shogun ke Nikko goshasan no zu) from the series A Look at the Old Days in Color Prints (Kanko Azuma nishiki)
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Shogetsu Toshu (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the Meiji era.
His surname is Kojima and his first name is Katsumi. They are called Toshu, Toshu, and Katsutsuki. I lived in Asakusa Eizumicho. The activity started around 1888 (Meiji 21), and the genre paintings such as the "Wonko Tonishiki" series, which is a collection of three large-format pieces in 1889, related to the issuance of the Constitution and the exposition. He draws pictures of the Sino-Japanese War. The drawing period was in the 20s and 30s of the Meiji era. The three-large-format brocade painting "Parliament Building Nozu" is a work in March 1890, depicting the emperor arriving in front of the Diet Building by carriage and welcoming the ceremonial soldiers. However, it was published in March, more than half a year before the opening, and was drawn and published with the imagination of Katsutsuki, focusing on the big national event called the opening ceremony of the 1st Imperial Diet, which is scheduled to be held in November of the same year. It was. Ukiyo-e originally had this aspect, but the expressive power of the painters may not have been able to keep up with the rapid westernization of society. Also, in 1897, he wrote "Shinsen Sculpture Picture Book" by lithograph.