Home > Chobunsai Eishi

Chobunsai Eishi

Eishi Toribunsai (Choubunsai Eishi, Horeki 6th year <1756> --Bunsei 12th July 2nd ) is an ukiyo-e artist in the late Edo period, Hatamoto. He played an active part from Kansei to the cultural and cultural era.

A master of Bunryusai (unknown history). His surname is Hosoda and his first name is Tokitomi. The popular name is Minnosuke, later Yasaburo. It is called Toribunsai. Also called Lord Ceremon. In the hand-drawn drawing, you can see the signs of brilliance and independence. Eiyuki was later ranked sixth. It is said that it has a territory in Edo Honjo Wari Sewage (currently Kamezawa, Sumida-ku), first lived in Hamacho, and later moved to the back of Honjo Mitakezo. His father is Tokiyuki Hosoda and his mother is Mr. Sakaino, but it is said that he may be a concubine. The Hosoda family is a direct hatamoto of 500 stones, and Eiyuki's grandfather Tokitoshi serves as an accountant.
