Home > Suzuki Kiitsu

Suzuki Kiitsu

Suzuki Kiitsu (Suzuki Kiitsu, male, Kansei 7 (1795) --September 10, 1858 (October 16, 1858)) is a painter in the late Edo period. A disciple of Sakai Hoitsu, the founder of the Edo Rinpa school, and his most prominent and de facto successor. Mr. Moto is Nishimura, and one theory is Yamamoto.諱 is the former chief, and the character is Kobuchi. The first was the issue, which was later used as a common name. In another issue, there are other issues such as 噲, 菁, 虺 庵, Tsumugi, Celebration, Tamesando, Ugusu, etc. It is regarded as a pioneer painter of modern Japanese painting because of its modern urban sophistication and intelligent decoration.
