Home > Shinohara Kiyooki
Shinohara Kiyooki
Shinohara Kiyooki
Bivouac after Landing at Yungcheng Bay (Eijowan jorikugo no roei)
Shinohara Kiyooki
Illustration of Bombardment at Weihaiwei (Ikaiei Nitto hogeki no zu)
Shinohara Kiyooki
The Grand Festival at Yasukuni Shrine (Yasukuni jinja daisai no zu)
Shinohara Kiyooki
Attack on Port Arthur in the Moonlight (Ryojunko gekka no kogeki)
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Kiyooki Shinohara (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist in the middle of the Meiji era.
A student of Kiyochika Kobayashi. It is called Shinsai. My father works for the Textile Association. It was drawn in the middle of the Meiji era, and is said to have died in the 30th year of the Meiji era (1897). I only see some war pictures about the Sino-Japanese War.