Home > Sawa Sekkyo

Sawa Sekkyo

Sawa Sekkyo (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist in the late Edo period.

Master system unknown. The name is unknown. It is called Yukimine. The style of painting belongs to the Tsutsumi Torin system, and it seems that he is a member of the Tsutsumi school. A person from around culture (1804-1818), he is known for his landscape paintings and bird-and-flower paintings with horizontal large-format pattern frames using perspective. His uki-e has a floral pattern on the frame. I improved the picture of Sumizuri-e or Aizuri-e. Works include "Ryogoku Hanamizu" and "Ueno Hanamizu", but the paintings they draw are not interesting and are a little inferior to the works of pure ukiyo-e artists. All of these works were Yamadaya versions of Nakahashi Hirokoji.

In addition, the horizontal oval "Ryogoku Yusho" and "Tanegashima Return", which depict famous places in Edo, are known.
