Home > Okura Koto

Okura Koto

Kobo Okura (Okura Koto, year of birth unknown-Meiji 43 <1910>) is an ukiyo-e artist and Japanese painter in the Meiji era.

A master of Ogata Gekko. His surname is Okura and his first name is Katsutaro. A child of the (first) tattooist, Hanbei Okura. A master of Gekko's Okemachi era, he was active from the 20s of the Meiji era to the 30s of the Meiji era. He often draws beautiful women's paintings, and in Nishiki-e, he draws three consecutive news paintings and war paintings such as "The Great Flood". The "Umegae helmet" exhibited at the extraordinary study group of the Japan Youth Painting Association held in 1891 received the fifth prize. In addition, the "Shinseizu" exhibited at the 3rd Japan Youth Painting Association Painting Co-Promotion Society held in 1894 received a second prize, and the following Meiji 28 4th Japan Youth Painting Association Painting Co-Promotion Society. Also, the "Ketsuji Funyuzu" received a third prize. After that, he exhibited his works at the Japan Painting Association Japan Art Institute Union Painting Co-Promotion Society in 1900 (Meiji 33) and 1902 (Meiji 35). In the "Nihonren Sugoroku" produced in 1897, he co-wrote with Senshin Koaki of the same gate, and in the Nishiki-e "Yoshishi 47-zu Ma Jujiro Kokou" produced in 1902, he co-wrote with his teacher Gekko. ..
