Home > Nagashima Shungyo
Nagashima Shungyo
Nagashima Shungyo
The Japanese Fleet Wins a Great Naval Victory near Phung-to in Korea (Chosen Hoto kaisen Nichigun daishori)
Nagashima Shungyo
True View of Azuma-bashi Iron Bridge in Asakusa (Asakusa Azuma-bashi tekkyo no shinkei) from the series Famous Sights of Tokyo (Tokyo meisho zue); inset: View from the Front (Shomen yori miru no zu)
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Nagashima Shungyo (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the Meiji era.
Utagawa Yoshitora's master. His surname is Nagashima and his first name is Fukutaro. It is said that he is a child of Yoshitora. First Torashige, later Haruaki, then Chokaro Yoshitora, called Takebayashisha, Reisai, Mengsai. The drawing period is said to be from Keio to the Meiji era, and he left Nishiki-e around the Meiji era and lived in Kanda Konyacho. He also worked on many toy paintings. In the "3rd National Industrial Exhibition" published in 1887, there was a seal of "Haruaki Shungyo (Anew) Chokaro Yoshiteru", but after that, it was signed as "Nagashima Shungyo". There is a Nishiki-e.