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matsuda rokuzan
matsuda rokuzan
Scene of the Tsuten Bridge (Tsutenkyo fukei)
matsuda rokuzan
Participants in the Procession on the Occasion of the Official Visit to Kyoto (Genji gannen Gojoraku gubu goyogakari oyakuninshu kinoene shogatsu)
matsuda rokuzan
Calendar of Flowers in Tokyo (Tokyo hana jireki)
matsuda rokuzan
Album of Meiji-era Banknotes (Dajokansatsu)
matsuda rokuzan
Participants in the Procession on the Occasion of the Official Visit to Kyoto (Genji gannen Gojoraku gubu goyogakari oyakuninshu kinoene shogatsu)
matsuda rokuzan
At the Back of the Buddha Hall of the Sanjusangendo before the Archery Match (Daibutsu sanjusangendo kodo shazen no zu)
matsuda rokuzan
The Tenman Shrine in Osaka (Naniwa Tenman seibyo zu)
matsuda rokuzan
Guide to Honju-ji temple and the Myoken Hall at Toribeyama in Eastern Kyoto (Rakuto Toribeyama Honju-ji narabi ni Myokengu saiken zu)
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