Home > Kitagawa Utamaro I
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Suited to Dyed Stripes Stocked by Shimaya (Shimaya shi-ire no some-jima muki) from the series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today (Natsu isho tosei bijin)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Women at a Teahouse
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Female Peddler (Onna akindo) from the book Comparisons of the Customs of Women (Onna fuzoku shinasadame)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya kamuro Sekiya and Teriha from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Toji zensei bijin-zoroe)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
No. 10 from the series Women Engaged in the Sericulture Industry (Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Penduline Tit (Yamagara) and Bush Warbler (Uguisu) from the album Momo chidori kyoka awase (Myriad Birds: A Kyoka Competition)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Couple under Mosquito Net
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Obvious Love (Arawaruru koi) from the series Anthology of Poems: The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)
Kitagawa Utamaro I
Calligraphy Teacher (Tenarai no shi) (right) Kept Woman (Kakoi) (left) from the book Comparisons of the Customs of Women (Onna fuzoku shinasadame)
Utamaro Kitagawa (Kitagawa Utamaro, 1753 (Horeki 3rd year) -October 31, 1806 (September 20, 1806) was an ukiyo-e artist who was active in Japan during the Edo period.
His surname is Kitagawa and later Kitagawa. The childhood name is Ichitaro, later changed to Yusuke (or Yuuki). The name is Nobumi. The first issue is called Toyosho, and from around the first year of Tenmei, it has been called Utamaro and Hamaru. In his lifetime, he was called "Utamaru", but it seems that he has been called "Utamaro" since the 19th century when there was no one who knew him directly. In addition, there are examples of "Toyoaki Toriyama" and "Toyoaki Toriyama" in the year-end book "Matsu no Dan" published in 1782 (Tenmei 2). In the haiku, Ishikasa, Kiyan, Yansai, and Kyoka are called Kyokamaru.
Apologize for the brush
, Named Shiya, and belonged to the Yoshiwara Ren along with Tsutaya Juzaburo.
The year of birth, place of birth, birthplace, etc. are unknown. Regarding the year of birth, it is often calculated as 1753 (3rd year of the Horeki calendar) from the year of death (54 years old). Regarding the origin, Kawagoe theory (Yone Noguchi, Sekine Yasunori) and two theories in Edo city are influential, but there are other theories such as Kyoto, Osaka, and Tochigi.