Home > Katsushika Hokutai

Katsushika Hokutai

Katsushika Hokutai (birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo period.

A student of Katsushika Hokusai. It is said that he was the second son of Mr. Morikawa. The surname of Katsushika is called Kabane, Tatsuko, and Raito. It is said that he lived in Asakusa. It is said that the drawing period was from Kyowa to Tenpo, and it was said that the second generation Raito was named during the Tenpo era. There is. He works on reading books, illustrations for Kyoka picture books, nishiki-e, and handwriting. He is also active as a kyoka singer, and as a member of the Biwaren, he has published kyoka songs in "Sodetama Kyokashu" (published in 1806), which was selected by Lake Koi.
