Home > Katsushika Hokui

Katsushika Hokui

Katsushika Hokusai (Katsushika Hokui, birth and death unknown) is an ukiyo-e artist from the late Edo period to the Meiji period.

A student of Katsushika Hokusai. The surname is Fukao and the first name is unknown. Called Hakusanjin. It is said that he lived in Fukagawa around 1893 (Meiji 26). The drawing period is from Tenpo (1830-1844) to Meiji (1868-1912), and the area of ​​work is wide, and in addition to Nishiki-e, he also draws illustrations for prints, handwriting and sketches of Chiyogami. It is said that he died in the 20s of the Meiji era. One volume of "Picture Book Yanagi Taru" published in Koka 3 (1846), one volume of "Kiku no Sukatami" published in the same year (written by Mantei Oga), and "Enju" published in Keio 2 (1866). Worked on illustrations for one volume of "Oga Mantei Taisei".
