Home > Kasai Torajiro
Kasai Torajiro
Kasai Torajiro
General Attack on the Tientsin Castle by the Allied Armies: The Hakko-tai Corps of the 11th Regiment Opening the South Inner Gate and Charging (Rekkoku rengogun Tenshinjo sokogeki hohei daijuichi rentai daihachi Hakkotai Minami Naimon kaihi tosshin no zu)
Kasai Torajiro
The Allied Armies Occupying the Taku Forts: The Brave Fight of Captain Shiraishi (Rekkoku rikusentai Taiko senryo Shiraishi taii funsen sento no zu) No. 2 from the series Pictorial Report on the War in China (Shinkoku senran gaho sono ni)
Kasai Torajiro
Second Lieutenant Ota 5th Cavalry Regiment Charging a Village near Tientsin Castle (Tenshin kokunyu joson fukin Kihei daigo rentai Ota shoi totsugeki no zu) No. 8 from the series Pictorial Report on the War in China (Shinkoku senran gaho sono hachi)
Kasai Torajiro
The Battle at Tientsin [Tianjin] Arsenal (Tenshin kikikyoku sento no zu) No. 3 from the series Pictorial Report on the War in China (Shinkoku senran gaho sono san)
Kasai Torajiro
The Seige and the Attack on the Tientsin [Tianjin] Fortress (Tenshin-jo hoi kogeki no zu) No. 6 from the series Pictorial Report on the War in China (Shinkoku senran gaho sono roku)
Kasai Torajiro
Incidents of the Boxer Rebellion in China (Shinkoku Giwadan jiken) No. 1 from the series Pictorial Report on the War in China (Shinkoku senran gaho sono ichi)
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