Home > Ichiyotei Yoshitaki > Ichiyotei Yoshitaki - Actors Arashi Rikan IV as Hakuo no Naishi (R) Onoe Tamizo II as Tosa Saburo (C) and Ichikawa Udanji I as Gonnokami Norisuke (L) in the Play Yamato Nishiki Asahi no Hataage

Ichiyotei Yoshitaki - Actors Arashi Rikan IV as Hakuo no Naishi (R) Onoe Tamizo II as Tosa Saburo (C) and Ichikawa Udanji I as Gonnokami Norisuke (L) in the Play Yamato Nishiki Asahi no Hataage

ArtistIchiyotei Yoshitaki
TitleActors Arashi Rikan IV as Hakuo no Naishi (R) Onoe Tamizo II as Tosa Saburo (C) and Ichikawa Udanji I as Gonnokami Norisuke (L) in the Play Yamato Nishiki Asahi no Hataage

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