Home > Utagawa Kuniteru ii > Utagawa Kuniteru ii - Narumi from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tokaido Road (Tokaido meisho fukei) also known as the Processional Tokaido (Gyoretsu Tokaido) here called Tokaido

Utagawa Kuniteru ii - Narumi from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tokaido Road (Tokaido meisho fukei) also known as the Processional Tokaido (Gyoretsu Tokaido) here called Tokaido

ArtistUtagawa Kuniteru ii
TitleNarumi from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tokaido Road (Tokaido meisho fukei) also known as the Processional Tokaido (Gyoretsu Tokaido) here called Tokaido

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