Home > Utagawa Kunisato > Utagawa Kunisato - A Faithful Depiction of the Grounds of Mount Narita in Shimosa Province with Large Numbers of Visitors from the Various Prayer Groups for the Ceremony Dedicating the Buddha in the Rebuilt Main Hall the Twelfth Day of the Coming Eighth Month (Shimosa no ku

Utagawa Kunisato - A Faithful Depiction of the Grounds of Mount Narita in Shimosa Province with Large Numbers of Visitors from the Various Prayer Groups for the Ceremony Dedicating the Buddha in the Rebuilt Main Hall the Twelfth Day of the Coming Eighth Month (Shimosa no ku

ArtistUtagawa Kunisato
TitleA Faithful Depiction of the Grounds of Mount Narita in Shimosa Province with Large Numbers of Visitors from the Various Prayer Groups for the Ceremony Dedicating the Buddha in the Rebuilt Main Hall the Twelfth Day of the Coming Eighth Month (Shimosa no ku

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