Home > Utagawa Kunisada > Utagawa Kunisada - Actors Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Yazama Jutaro and Bando Shuka I as his Wife (Nyobo) Orie from the series The Heroes of the Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura meimei den)

Utagawa Kunisada - Actors Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Yazama Jutaro and Bando Shuka I as his Wife (Nyobo) Orie from the series The Heroes of the Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura meimei den)

ArtistUtagawa Kunisada
TitleActors Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Yazama Jutaro and Bando Shuka I as his Wife (Nyobo) Orie from the series The Heroes of the Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura meimei den)

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