Home > Toyohara Kunichika > Toyohara Kunichika - Actor Bando Hikosaburo V as the Sumo Wrestler (Sumotori) Mojigaseki Fudegoro from the series First Performance of the Year in the Misty Spring of Plum Blossoms (Ume no haru kasumi no hikizome)

Toyohara Kunichika - Actor Bando Hikosaburo V as the Sumo Wrestler (Sumotori) Mojigaseki Fudegoro from the series First Performance of the Year in the Misty Spring of Plum Blossoms (Ume no haru kasumi no hikizome)

ArtistToyohara Kunichika
TitleActor Bando Hikosaburo V as the Sumo Wrestler (Sumotori) Mojigaseki Fudegoro from the series First Performance of the Year in the Misty Spring of Plum Blossoms (Ume no haru kasumi no hikizome)

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