Home > Sawamuraya Seikichi > Sawamuraya Seikichi - Yoshiwara in Suruga Province: The Old Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori no koji) from the series Calligraphy and Pictures for the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Shoga gojusan eki)

Sawamuraya Seikichi - Yoshiwara in Suruga Province: The Old Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori no koji) from the series Calligraphy and Pictures for the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Shoga gojusan eki)

ArtistSawamuraya Seikichi
TitleYoshiwara in Suruga Province: The Old Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori no koji) from the series Calligraphy and Pictures for the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Shoga gojusan eki)

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