Home > Kunikazu > Kunikazu - Actors Jitsukawa Enzaburo I as the Younger Brother (Ototo) Gappo (R) and Arashi Kichisaburo III as the Elder Brother (Ani) Gappo (L) in the play Katakiuchi Ninin Gappo
Kunikazu - Actors Jitsukawa Enzaburo I as the Younger Brother (Ototo) Gappo (R) and Arashi Kichisaburo III as the Elder Brother (Ani) Gappo (L) in the play Katakiuchi Ninin Gappo

Artist | Kunikazu |
Title | Actors Jitsukawa Enzaburo I as the Younger Brother (Ototo) Gappo (R) and Arashi Kichisaburo III as the Elder Brother (Ani) Gappo (L) in the play Katakiuchi Ninin Gappo |
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